KHIRON is a pureplay health & wellbeing company in the rapidly growing global cannabis market.
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KHIRON is a pureplay health & wellbeing company in the rapidly growing global cannabis market.
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We believe in the benefits of medical cannabis to improve people's quality of life
through the development of high-quality pharmaceutical products, continuous medical education for health professionals, and permanent monitoring of the patient in their treatment, through the Patient Follow-up Program.

We seek to provide continuous and quality medical education
to guarantee a safe, effective and responsible prescription of medicinal cannabis in different pathologies, through our training program designed specifically for health professionals.

We believe in the benefits of medical cannabis to improve people's quality of life
through the development of high-quality pharmaceutical products, continuous medical education for health professionals, and permanent monitoring of the patient in their treatment, through the Patient Follow-up Program.

We seek to provide continuous and quality medical education
to guarantee a safe, effective and responsible prescription of medicinal cannabis in different pathologies, through our training program designed specifically for health professionals.

Bogotá, Colombia
Carrera 11 # 84 – 09
(+57) 1 7442064
Línea nacional 01 8000 182064
Línea nacional: 0800 70865
Bogotá, Colombia
Carrera 11 # 84 – 09
(+57) 1 7442064